Who Needs Workers Comp Insurance?
If you employ four or more people, in many states, you could certainly will be legally required to get coverage to pay for medical bills, wages lost, and other expenses if one of your employees gets hurt on the job. Regulations concerning workmans comp differ from state to state but most businesses – even minor ones – should get coverage.
Workers compensation won't protect non-employees. And your workers can still sue you in certain instances – for instance, if your gross negligence leads to an injury.
Other coverages to consider include: Business Owner Package (BOP), general liability, business interruption insurance to protect your income stream if your business shuts down because of a calamity disability coverage, and business auto coverage.
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What Does Workers Comp
Workers comp covers both acute and chronic occupational injuries and diseases.
If your worker falls through and damages her/his knee, necessitating emergency surgery and long-term orthopedics.
An secretary suffers repetitive stress injury to her thumbs after typing eight hours a day for a few years; he has to undergo surgery, therapy, and rehabilitation. Workers comp insurance protects not only your employees, but your business as well. Failing to comply with your states workers comp laws could result in fines or lawsuits against your business.
Workers’ comp insurance helps companies avoid fines and penalties charged by the state for not having proper insurance. In some states your fine can be up to $100,000.
Workers’ compensation insurance includes employer liability, which protects your business if an employee should sue your company. Some businesses may be required to have a $1,000,000 coverage or more.
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